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When a dispute arises over a will, you might try to work it out among the family first. 情绪高涨,家庭往往无法解决问题. The parties to this “遗嘱认证 dispute” may attempt to claim property they have no right to, 也可能是意志本身有问题. 也许你被错误地排除在遗嘱之外, or because another person manipulated a loved one into changing a will while they were not in their right mind.

这就是遗嘱纠纷律师可以提供帮助的地方. You can contest a will through specific legal procedures whether you are in 印第安纳州 or 肯塔基州. As a law firm that drafts 和 contests wills on a regular basis, the will contest lawyers at 丘奇,兰登,洛普,巴内特·劳 可以帮助. 我们有必要的经验来保护你们的利益.

这些争议可能非常复杂, 你需要一个有法庭经验的团队真正支持你. Speak with our experienced 遗嘱认证 litigation attorneys today for the help you need.


A 将抗辩律师 at 丘奇,兰登,洛普,巴内特·劳 is fully prepared to h和le your case. 我们理解你所经历的困难. You have recently lost someone you care deeply about 和 now you are dealing with the stress of a contested will. 在这种情况下,许多资产被冻结 遗嘱认证 与此同时,你试图解开意志之争. 对遗嘱提出异议的法律程序很复杂, but our dedicated attorneys know how to pursue your interests 和 properly contest a will.

Our will contest lawyers will consult with you 和 get to know your unique circumstances. 我们会充分调查此案,以寻求您期望的结果. The attorneys at 丘奇,兰登,洛普,巴内特·劳 truly care about our clients 和 the difficulties a will dispute causes them. We underst和 how to seek your desired results 和 will work with you to seek the compensation you deserve.


当你符合法律要求时,你可以对遗嘱提出异议. 对遗嘱提出异议是一个复杂的过程, but one best h和led with anattorney with significant 遗嘱认证 litigation experience. To contest a testamentary document like a will, you need to be an “利害关系方.”

An 利害关系方 某人是否有权或将有权继承死者的遗产. 这可能包括但不限于:

  • 遗嘱中提到的任何人
  • 亲戚或家庭成员
  • 一个人有权继承没有遗嘱的人的死亡.

争议通常仅限于这些利益相关方吗. If you are a 家庭成员 of someone who passed, you are likely an 利害关系方. 然而,如果你不是亲属,这并不意味着你没有资格. Interested party status is almost certain if you are named in the disputed will. 让我们的律师审查遗嘱,并就如何提出争议提供指导.


在有争议的情况下,通常会有多个遗嘱. 也许死者在前一份遗嘱之后又立了一份新遗嘱. There may be confusion about which one controls or whether a will was properly signed by the decedent.

Anyone listed in the prior will may be considered an 利害关系方 和 be permitted to join the lawsuit. This often occurs because the previous will grants that individual property or assets they want, 而新的意志会减少或消除它. In these cases, the contest will focus on which will was properly signed 和 controls the estate.


对遗嘱提出异议, an interested person is required to file their claim within three months after the date of an order admitting the will to 遗嘱认证 (In Kentucy the process of filing a will contest must happen within two years of 遗嘱认证 being opened). 在此严格期限内未立案的, 你很可能会失去提起遗嘱诉讼的权利. The best way to avoid this potential problem is to speak with a will attorney as soon as possible after discovering there is a problem with the will.

如果遗嘱有争议,你必须提出一些理由. 仅仅不喜欢意志所说的或所做的是不够的. 你必须有明确的理由来质疑遗嘱的有效性. 这些可能包括以下内容:


A person lacks the testamentary capacity to draft a will when they are of unsound mind. 精神错乱精神不健全, the person must be cognitively deficient in some way that made them unable to underst和 the nature of their choices or actions. 这些可能包括以下情况:

  • 遗嘱人患有阿尔茨海默病.
  • 遗嘱人患有痴呆症.
  • 遗嘱人失去了知觉.
  • The testator suffered from some other mental incapacity or developmental disability.

If the will was drafted when the testator could not have understood what they were doing, 缺乏遗嘱能力可能会帮助你挑战遗嘱.


Undue influence occurs when a person controls or coerces the testator into changing the will to their benefit. This is common with elderly or infirm individuals who rely on people for help. 这可能包括一个照顾者, 家庭成员, or someone else close to the testator who could have influenced their actions 和 choices when drafting a will.


当立遗嘱人被骗在遗嘱上签字时,就发生了欺诈. 一个人可能会被欺骗,以为他们正在签署另一份文件. They may also be tricked into thinking that they are signing a version of the will they have seen before but are unaware of changes someone made to it.


印第安纳州要求一份有效的遗嘱必须满足某些要求. 遗嘱必须是书面的,才有效 印第安纳州法律. 其他要求包括:

  • The will must be signed by the testator in the presence of two attesting witnesses.
  • 证人必须在立遗嘱人面前签署遗嘱.

许多这些要求也适用于肯塔基州的遗嘱. 遗嘱执行中的任何错误都可能使其无效. 这可以成为遗嘱争议案件的有力证据.

如果我们要把这个卖给印第安纳州和肯塔基州的人, 那我们就得列出印第安纳州和肯塔基州的遗嘱执行规则.


Contesting a will can be a stressful process, especially if you try to do it on your own. 挑战遗嘱的法律程序极其复杂. 你必须遵守严格的时间表, 复杂的归档要求, 并且能够证明对遗嘱提出异议的理由. 但是,您不必独自完成此任务. 在一个合格的 将抗辩律师,你可以寻求合理的补偿,让一切都值得.

Determining whether a will contest is worth it is best discussed with an experienced 遗嘱认证 litigation attorney. 律师可以帮助你确定你的案件的优势和劣势. 为此,他们将考虑以下问题:

  • 你在你的遗嘱竞赛中寻求什么资产或财产?
  • 你对遗嘱有异议还是为它辩护?
  • 你是有资格提起遗嘱纠纷诉讼的利害关系人吗?
  • 你的遗嘱诉讼成功的可能性有多大?

最终,这个决定是根据你的案件的独特事实做出的. 你最初的咨询将有助于回答其中的许多问题.


A successful will contest could help you enforce a valid will you want to see protected or it could help you challenge a defective will that left you out of the equation. 你知道你想要什么,你有权得到什么. 遗嘱竞赛可以帮助你:

  • 针对其他索赔人为遗嘱辩护
  • 保护遗嘱中给你的财产
  • 对不符合法律要求的遗嘱提出质疑
  • 追求你所拥有的资产.

Will Dispute常见问题

  • 我的遗嘱争讼价值多少?

    你的遗嘱诉讼的价值将取决于你所寻求的. 因素包括你想要的资产的价值, 你在房产中的权益比例, 以及死者遗产的总价值.

  • Will对诉讼的抗辩. 结算

    如果你需要的话,遗嘱诉讼会给你在法庭上的机会. 然而, many cases can be settled out of court with the help of a knowledgeable will dispute attorney. 结算 occurs when the parties can agree to a solution to the problem rather than continuing to fight about it. 和解通常通过和解协议来完成, 哪一种是解决遗嘱纠纷的法律合同.

    Competing parties are often willing to settle to avoid the cost 和 delays of litigation. 有时, the fact that you hired an experienced attorney can foster settlement quickly 和 get you the results you are looking for. 在其他情况下, 中介 能帮助协商解决方案吗. This occurs when a neutral third party helps facilitate discussions 和 a mutual resolution to the case.

  • 你在哪些州练习?

    我们的遗嘱争议律师在两地执业 印第安纳州和肯塔基州. 我们准备在多个国家用我们的 杰弗逊维尔老年律师, 克拉克斯维尔老年律师 以及我们丰富的经验 路易斯维尔的遗产规划律师, 新奥尔巴尼牧童.


我们的遗嘱争议律师随时准备为您的索赔提供帮助. We are well-versed in 肯塔基州 和 印第安纳州 will contest laws 和 know how to approach these cases to your best advantage. 我们的律师关心你正在经历什么,并希望帮助你.

丘奇,兰登,洛普,巴内特·劳 愿意帮你解决你的遗嘱纠纷吗. bet9九州体育登录 今天或拨打812-725-8224为您的病例安排咨询.


在印第安纳州和肯塔基州都有执业执照, 史蒂夫·兰登是一位经验丰富的老年律师和出庭辩护律师. 除了他的诉讼和审判工作, 史蒂夫的执业包括立遗嘱, 信托基金, 遗嘱认证, 医疗补助计划, 监护, 授权书, 以及高级指导计划, 包括生前遗嘱和医疗代理指定. [ 律师生物 ]


加里在印第安纳州和肯塔基州都有执业律师执照. 他专注于遗产规划, 遗产及信托管理, 遗产及信托诉讼, 监护, 老年人法和特殊需求规划. 加里赢得了他的J。.D. 来自路易斯维尔大学,路易斯D. Br和eis School of Law, 和 formerly practiced law at Bingham Greenebaum Doll 和 Wyatt, Tarrant & 库姆斯. [ 律师生物 ]


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